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篇名 論《中庸》天命之「天」觀念的知性解讀進路 ——古典儒學與自然數起源的思想對話之嘗試
卷期 47:3=550
並列篇名 An Intellectual Approach to the Idea of “Heaven” in the “Mandate of Heaven” from The Doctrine of the Mean ——A Tentative Philosophical Dialogue between Classical Confucianism and the Origins of Natural Numbers
作者 黃秋韻黃信二
頁次 119-136
關鍵字 《中庸》天命之天自然數牟宗三杜維明MeanThe Doctrine of the MeanHeaven in the Mandate of HeavenMO Zong-sanWei-ming TUA&HCI
出刊日期 202003




The exploration on the relationship between Man and Heaven by the idea of “Heaven” as part of the mandate of Heaven from The Doctrine of the Mean is actually a Confucian inquiry on the origins of civilization and society as well as on the way one deals with himself in the solitude, such as being vigilant in one’s solitude. This article will further contemplate realistic needs, try to reposition the field whereby classical texts are inquired in an atmosphere overwhelmed by western technologies and contemporary emphases on mathematics and science, and attempt to make a tentative investigation on the dialogue between classical Confucianism and mathematical thinking as the foundation of western science.
