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篇名 論孔子與老子義理中「性」之比較
卷期 47:3=550
並列篇名 Comparison of Confucius’s Human Naturee with Laozi
作者 李瑋皓
頁次 137-152
關鍵字 孔子老子異同ConfuciusLaoziHuman NatureSimilarities and DifferencesA&HCI
出刊日期 202003




Although Confucius’s theory of nature is universal, it is common to our people. However, Confucius's “Human Nature” is a conceptual language that does not discuss moral good and evil, which has no fixed connotation based on Confucius’s “Human Nature” theory, and this “Human Nature” will then be followed by the environment and personal efforts and thus have the possibility of infinite change, which may be the full embodiment of “benevolence” consciousness. Laozi takes the nature of life as the starting point, and its purpose lies in his belief that our people conform to the nature of nature and do not have to be distinguished by good and bad; The purpose of its righteousness is to pursue inner serenity and apathy, in order to avoid the external objective things on the natural nature of our people. But the two still have similarities and differences with “Human Nature”. Summarizing the differences in the visual field between the two can be explained in two ways: “At the beginning of Human Nature, Human Nature “nature”, ‘seek to da’ and ‘day loss’.”
