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篇名 亞里斯多德女性觀的當代論爭與證據補遺
卷期 47:4=551
並列篇名 Contemporary Debate on Aristotle’s Viewpoints of Women and its Evidences Supplement
作者 陳慶超
頁次 113-127
關鍵字 亞里斯多德德性女性公正AristotleVirtueWomenJusticeA&HCI
出刊日期 202004




Aristotle believed that women play an irreplaceable role in the cultivation of children’s virtues as well as the public political life. However, he also thought that men are more noble than women so that they can dominate women and he even compared women to slaves on many occasions. This paper will first outline the controversy among contemporary scholars surrounding Aristotle’s view of women, and then analyze their shortcomings respectively. Finally, combing Aristotle’s academic attitude of the unity of knowledge and action and the historical changes of his times, the paper will point out that Aristotle has applied his virtue theory to his family life viewpoints and advocated that both husband and wife must follow the leading principle of justice built on the virtue criteria. Clarifying Aristotle’s true attitude towards women is no only conducive to elucidating his theory of virtue, but also it can provide a good explanation for the equality, complementarity and cooperative relationship between contemporary couples.
