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篇名 尋求道德秩序的重建:晚明大儒馮從吾的「講學」情結
卷期 47:4=551
並列篇名 Seeking the Reconstruction of Moral Order: The “Lecture” Complex of the Fong Congwu of the Late Ming Dynasty
作者 李敬峰
頁次 147-162
關鍵字 馮從吾陽明心學講學道德秩序重建Feng CongwuYangming’s Xin SchoolLectureMoral OrderRebuildingA&HCI
出刊日期 202004




Relying on the rise of Yangming’s Xin school, the “lecture” tradition reigning from Confucius reached its peak in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, and evolved into a vigorous moral education movement. Feng congwu, who was known as the “Guan school’s epitomizing” and “South Zou North Feng” with Zou yuanbiao, was willing to “learn Yangming” as his ambition, and strived to put into practice by “lecture”, expressed a strong “lecture” complex. Feng congwu promoted status of “lecture” to the level of cultivating morality, maintaining Confucian orthodoxy, related to the national fate and determining the universe; shrinked the content of “lecture” to the moral field, affirmed the “lecture” s gist was practicing and make clear With the boundary of bunkum, point at the ultimate goal of “lecture” was the reconstruction of moral order. Feng Congwu put “lecture” as the path and method of salving world, which was not only the manifestation of Confucian moral self-rescue tradition, but also a concrete manifestation of the rebuilding moral order in the late Ming Dynasty. This opened up a whole new perspective to grasp thought and society of the late Ming Dynasty from the “lecture”.
