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篇名 柏拉圖如何在《巴門尼德篇》第一部分展示早中期「理念論」的困難及其解決方案
卷期 47:4=551
並列篇名 The Difficulties of and the Solution to Plato’s Early and Mid-term Theory of Idea in the First Part of the Parmenides
作者 劉鑫
頁次 163-179
關鍵字 柏拉圖理念分有謂述模仿製造PlatoIdeaParticipationPredicationImitationProductionA&HCI
出刊日期 202004




In this paper, I take the first part of Plato’s dialogue Parmenides as subject matter, analysing the six aporiai which Plato’s theory of idea probably leads to. Based on the detailed text analysis, I draw a conclusion that Plato’s criticism does not aim to abolish his theory of idea, but Plato is inclined to illuminate the problems that arise from his early and mid-term dialogues. In addition, I argue that Plato implies as well as gives solutions to the problems mentioned in his criticism. In closing, I provide a consistent solution to all of the six aporiai.
