
International Journal of Uncertainty and Innovation Research

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篇名 Research on the Performance Evaluation of Junior High School Gymnasium by Analytic Hierarchy Process
卷期 1:3
作者 Yu-Lan Wang
頁次 269-280
關鍵字 Community school playgroundsMiddle school stadium managementAnalytic hierarchical analysisBalanced score cardConstructs
出刊日期 201912



With living standard becoming higher, people are placing more and more stress on sports for health. Community school playgrounds or stadiums have become ideal places for people to maintain their sport habit. The evaluation of middle school stadium management needs to take into consideration both objective and subjective measurement factors. The paper implements the analytic hierarchical analysis for building up the evaluation factors of middle school stadiums. First, based on literature and experts’ suggestions, a hierarchical structure, which classified evaluation factors of middle school stadiums, is established. Next, balanced score card is employed to analyze five constructs including customer, finance, internal program, innovation & learning, and leisure function, all of which together dominated 35 measurement factors. In-depth interviews are conducted on scholars and experts specialized in middle school stadium for their opinions. Data analysis revealed that of the five constructs under comparison, custom is the highest-ranking construct, followed immediately by finance. The construct innovation & learning is the lowest-ranking. The analysis of evaluation factors of management performance of middle school stadiums conducted by this research enables the general public to have a better understanding of the important factors of middle school stadium management and their relative significance as well.
