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篇名 重症末期的家庭照護經驗:加護病房護理人員團體內容分析
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 Family Care for End-of-Life Critical Illness: Analysis of the Group for ICU Nurses
作者 王美惠蔣欣欣
頁次 027-040
關鍵字 護理人員生命末期加護病房家庭照護團體過程nursesend of lifeintensive care unitsfamily care, group dialogueTSCI
出刊日期 202003


關於重症護理人員從事家庭照護的經驗與態度,以及藉由團體對話處理重症末期的生死難題的研究,相當有限。目的:透過團體對話了解重症護理人員面對重症末期病人家屬之經驗與難處,與其覺察及實踐。方法:採詮釋現象學研究法,探討每週1 次,每次90分鐘,共計12 次的團體對話;此團體由台北市某醫學中心加護病房12 位護理人員組成。團體對話過程轉成文字稿後,採主題分析法加以分析。結果:分析顯示,重症護理人員照護末期病人家庭時,透過團體對話分享經驗時,展現情緒的不安,產生行動的揭露,進而發展出自我的導引。結論:重症護理人員在定期舉行的團體對話中,分享末期家庭照護的困境,反思其護理行動,並且產生實踐智慧。因此短期形式的團體對話,可提升護理人員重症末期家庭照護能力。未來研究可繼續探究,護理人員如何由團體對話,處理個人情緒與照護工作間的關係。


Limited researches focuses on the ICU nurses experience and attitude of ICU nurses providing family care. And, limited researches and evidence reveal their reflective practice for a life-anddeath dilemma from group dialogue. Objectives: Aimed to explore the ICU nurses experiences in taking care of family members of dying patients, to investigate their awareness and practice through after group dialogues. Methods: The hermeneutic phenomenological method was adopted. Twelve ICU nurses participated a series of group dialogue in a teaching hospital in Taipei. The group dialogues held 90 minutes per week and lasted for 12 weeks. Thematic analysis was used to analyze group dialogues. Results: The analysis revealed that ICU nurses developed their self-guidance in family nursing care through disclosing their nursing care actions and emotions in group dialogues. Conclusions: In this research, a series of group dialogue gave nurses an opportunity to improve their abilities in taking care of the family of dying patients. Further clinical research may focus on using group dialogue to clarify the relation between emotional burden and compassionate care of nursing staff.
