
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 十二年國教資訊科技科目學習次概念之探究
卷期 66:1
並列篇名 Identifying Learning Concepts for the New 12-Year Basic Education ICT Curriculum: A Delphi Survey
作者 胡秋帆王恩慈吳正己林育慈
頁次 077-102
關鍵字 資訊科技課綱德懷術學習概念ICT curriculumDelphi surveylearning conceptsTSSCI
出刊日期 202003
DOI 10.3966/102887082020036601003




The new Information and Communication Technology (ICT) curriculum for the new 12-Year Basic Education in Taiwan consists of seven categories of knowledge: algorithms, programming, system platform, data representation and process, ICT application, and ICT & human society. The draft curriculum only outlined broader learning concepts under each category. This may be a flexible way but it might cause confusion when schools and teachers implement the curriculum. This study employed Delphi technique to identify sub-concepts under each learning concept of the curriculum. Twenty-one computer science educators from schools and universities served as the Delphi expert panel. After three rounds of questionnaire survey, 107 subconcepts were identified and recommended for students to learn. The results were adopted in the appendix of the final released version of the ICT curriculum. This study recommended that the secondary ICT curriculum or teaching guidelines should include sub-concepts; the number of junior high school computer teachers should be increased to match the expert representation; finally, more information and ICT course planning experience should be provided to professors.
