
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 我國行政機關公務人力流動之初探:以跨職系流動為焦點
卷期 69
並列篇名 Manpower Mobility in the Internal Labor Market of the Government Administration in Taiwan: An Analysis of Mobility between Class Series
作者 王貿蘇偉業賴怡樺
頁次 049-084
關鍵字 公務人員制度內部人力市場職系調任社會網絡分析存活分析civil service systeminternal labor marketclass seriesjob transfersocial network analysissurvival analysisTSSCI
出刊日期 201912




It is very usual to see manpower mobility among administrative agencies, but the existing studies only focus on how the factors of personal characteristics influence the mobility without regard to the factors of working conditions. Class series is one of factors of the latter. This study examines the pattern of inter-class-series transfers, identifying those class series in which the turnover rates are high. That can help review the design of working conditions of different class series and the issue of professional development. This is significant for consolidating professionalism and stabilizing service quality of the government administration in Taiwan. For this purpose, this article reviews the design of professional grouping and manpower mobility mechanisms of civil services in foreign countries and assesses the management problems of class series in Taiwan’s government. This study makes use of the official public personnel data bank to analyze the mobility pattern among class series, including the turnover rate, the length of stay, the tenure of first class-series affiliation. Social network analysis is adopted to map the pattern of mobility to shed new light on the issue. That is expected to help offer recommendations to overhaul the mechanism. This study finds that the highly flexible class-series management may lead to a professional drain in the mid-to-junior-level staff, especially for the manpower in the technical and scarce class series. This article argues that the design of professional mobility in the civil service of Taiwan only zeroes in on a point-to-point analysis, ignoring the linear aspect of professional development. Hence, this article suggests that the policy approach of the personnel authority should switch from point to line, developing a career management of civil service.
