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篇名 疲憊測量工具的介紹
卷期 27:2
並列篇名 The Concept of Fatigue and Assessment Tools
作者 酒小蕙曹麗英
頁次 113-120
關鍵字 疲憊評估測量工具fatigueassessmentmeasurement toolsTSCI
出刊日期 202004




Fatigue implies a subjectively perceived status lacking energy, in addition to common symptoms manifested in cancer and chronic disease patients, fatigue may also be experienced by healthy people. Cancer-related fatigue has been included in diagnostic items for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), which is a general problem worldwide. Medical personnel shall acquire background knowledge on fatigue such as definition and characteristics of fatigue, quality of measuring tools, as well as diagnosis and nursing for fatigue, choosing appropriate scales for early assessment, determining the severity and providing nursing intervention to assist the cases in improving fatigue status through health management.
