
國立臺灣大學哲學論評 THCI

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篇名 《莊子》的判斷模式
卷期 59
並列篇名 The Two Modes of Judgment in Zhuangzi
作者 林慈涵
頁次 071-102
關鍵字 莊子成心鏡心判斷主體性ZhuangzichengxinjingxinjudgmentsubjectivityTHCI
出刊日期 202003
DOI 10.6276/NTUPR.202003_(59).0003




This paper brings to light the two types of subjectivity implied in Zhuangzi’s modes of judgment. A person who has a “Fixed Subject” or fixed sense of self uses chengxin, or a thought pattern developed over time to think. This thought pattern develops over three stages; the subjective self comes to be fixed from this process. Through this analysis, the mode of judgment can be schematized as “chengxin → standardization → value of judgment → self.” From this process the subject has an “established” and “fixed” existence. A person who is an “Empty Subject” uses jingxin or sees things as they actually are. This mode of judgment also undergoes a three-stage formation/development, in which “the other” allows the subject to apprehend reality as it is in itself. The steps in such a judgement are: “jingxin → standard of differentiation → value of judgment → ziran (something in itself).” Under this mode, the self is “empty” or selfless and eternally “flowing”. These two modes present the subjectivity that Zhuangzi rejects and prefers respectively.
