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篇名 新制度理論與越南教育體制的治理改革
卷期 87
並列篇名 The New Institutional Theory and Governance Reform in Educational System of Vietnam
作者 李平絨
頁次 063-098
關鍵字 教育政策新制度主義越南教育改革education policyNew InstitutionalismVietnam education reform
出刊日期 201911
DOI 10.3966/160957582019110087003


本研究主要從鉅觀的視野,以新制度理論爲學理依據,分析市場經濟的轉型與發展,特別是在1986年越南共產黨第六次全國代表大會通過了一項「革新」政策——Đổi Mới(Doi Moi),進而促進市場經濟對於越南教育發展的影響。本研究用新制度的理論框架來解釋越南教育制度中的問題,並提供了自1986年至今在教育理念,財政資源和教育系統民主化等領域重建新越南學校制度的方法。本研究係以「次級分析」主,通過文獻探究和次級資料分析,以獲得研究所需之依據和證據。研究者發現,1986年越南共產黨揭示的經濟改革與創新的「革新」政策,不但為越南開啓了轉變與發展的契機,同時也給越南教育改革帶來極大影響。這種制度上的變革,提供了一種與傳統的經濟與教育觀點迥異的分析角度。在推行新的教育法令規定之後,國家不再擁有教育的壟斷權,越南公共教育逐漸傾向「私有化」。自此,越南教育制度便不斷地處於「市場化」、「私有化」及「多元化」的建構過程中。「新制度主義」可以解釋目前教育提供者的「市場化」、「私有化」及「多元化」趨向;技術上的課責,以及在教育機構內部的相互影響。本研究發現可以提供教育工作者和政府機構對於教育政策的制定時的參考。


This research mainly focuses on the macro-level transition and development of a market-oriented economy, which has an impact on the development of Vietnam’s education when the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam adopted a Renovation Program called Doi Moi in 1986. This study used the theoretical framework of the New Institutional Theory to explain problems in Vietnam’s education system and provided approaches to its rebuilding in the areas of educational philosophy, financial resources, and democratizing the education system from 1986 to present. This study mainly employs the data collection methods of document review and secondary information analysis. The findings of this study indicate that the Renovation Program of the Vietnamese Communist Party in 1986 introduced a new transition and development perspective for Vietnam. Changes in the new institution have been a profound influence on Vietnam’s educational reform. The system of education has grown out of the establishment of the Vietnamese state’s new institutions. These new institutional changes provide a way of viewing institutions outside of the traditional lenses of economics and education. Educational institutions in Vietnam have been establishing processes of diversification, marketization, and privatization. The new institutionalism for education focuses on the rise of greater provider pluralism, marketization, privatization, technical accountability, and tighter coupling inside educational institutions. These findings could be used to discuss educators’ and governmental agencies’ roles in making educational policy and administration.
