
國立中正大學法學集刊 TSSCI

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篇名 國際金融機構間環境社會標準之浮現與影響——從世界銀行保障政策到赤道原則
卷期 65
並列篇名 The Impact of Emerging Environmental and Social Standards among Global Financial Institutions: From World Bank Safeguard Policies to Equator Principles
作者 鄭欽哲
頁次 039-104
關鍵字 環境社會標準赤道原則企業社會責任永續發展當責Environmental Social StandardsEquator PrinciplesCorporate Social ResponsibilityAccountabilityTSSCI
出刊日期 201910




In light of a global ecological crisis, the shift to the sustainable development requires the collective efforts of all participants in the global community. Therefore, the role of banking sectors is crucial. Contemporary civil society has long demanded that international financial institutions should be more accountable to the multi-stakeholder. Several multilateral development banks have started to incorporate environmental and social considerations into their operational policies and procedures. More importantly, some multilateral development banks have established accountability mechanisms for affected communities and individuals to address their concerns. These emerging standards have significant impacts on the development of international law. This research aims to present the emerging environmental and social standard at multilateral development banks and discuss its implications for Taiwan’s banking reform.
