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篇名 組織氣候與知識移轉對學習遷移之影響:組織氣候的調節效果
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 The Influences of Organizational Climate and Knowledge Transfer in Learning Transfer: Moderation Effect of Organizational Climate
作者 蔡孟岑張基成
頁次 001-034
關鍵字 知識移轉知識管理系統商管碩士在職專班組織氣候學習遷移EMBAKnowledge transferLearning transferModeration effectOrganizational climate
出刊日期 202003
DOI 10.6618/HSSRP.202003_14(1).1




Based on knowledge management system theory, the study proposed a relational model of organizational climate, knowledge transfer and learning transfer. This model mainly explored the influences of organizational climate and knowledge transfer in learning transfer, and the moderation effect of organizational climate on the influence of knowledge transfer in learning transfer. This model was identified by hierarchical regression taking the sample of 335 EMBA students. The results showed that organizational climate (including risk, innovation, and cooperation climates) and knowledge transfer (including knowledge internalization and knowledge transfer satisfaction) significantly and positively influenced learning transfer. Organizational climate significantly and positively influenced knowledge transfer. Organizational climate positively moderated the influence of knowledge transfer in learning transfer. Comparing to knowledge management system, this model added the moderation effect of organizational climate that was a significant contribution of the study.
