
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Research on Cache Timing Template Attack Based on KNN Algorithm
卷期 31:1
作者 Cai-Sen ChenZhi-Wei ChengYu-Bo WangAn WangXiang-liang Ma
頁次 184-191
關鍵字 Cache timing attackCache timing informationKNN algorithmtemplate attackEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202002
DOI 10.3966/199115992020023101015



For the Cache timing template attack, a large amount of timing information needs to be collected during attacking other processes. For the processing of high-noise data, the attack efficiency is low and the success rate is not high. It is proposed to establish a template matrix with the Cache hit rate feature and use the KNN algorithm. Analyze and judge. First, normalize the collected Cache timing data, and then use the hit rate to create a template for attack. Experiment results show that the accuracy of attack using KNN algorithm is higher than that of traditional mean square error method, and can reach about 90%.

