
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Abnormal-Gait Based Auxiliary Diagnosis System for Parkinson’s Disease
卷期 31:1
作者 Xuwei FanZhibin GaoHezhi LinLianfen Huang
頁次 218-224
關鍵字 auxiliary diagnosisFOGlinear regressionpanic gaitwavelet transformEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202002
DOI 10.3966/199115992020023101019



Parkinson’s disease as a neurological disease affects the patient’s gait. It is very dangerous for the Parkinson’s patient to have panic gait and freezing of gait (FOG). With the development of medical technology, Parkinson’s disease can be well controlled, so that the early diagnosis of abnormal gait of patients has caused widespread concern. We design a auxiliary diagnosis system based on abnormal gait. Through the study of linear regression and wavelet transform, we finally successfully detect the patient’s panic gait and freezing of gait (FOG). The average detection error of the step length is 3.17cm, the sensitivity of FOG detection is 90.2% and the specificity is 88.0%. The test results show that the abnormal-gait based auxiliary diagnosis system for Parkinson’s disease can help doctors to diagnose the patient’s symptoms and has a good application prospect.

