
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Competition and Influence Models of Message Transmission in Social Networks
卷期 31:2
作者 Xue-Bin LiDong-Xing JiangJuan-ChenLing-Yan KongShao-Chun HanXing-Ren
頁次 287-297
關鍵字 complex networkinformation transmissionmessage networkEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202004
DOI 10.3966/199115992020043102024



The essay, by means of interdisciplinary research and modeling methods, on base of Message interactive data, analyzes the behavioral habits and characteristics of the individual Message transmission, researches the regularity and characteristics in the process of Message transmission and presents modeling with the individual-based influence model the transmission processes of Message topics which are based on the social networks topology. It studies the interaction between two topics in their transmission by modeling the mutual influence between them. It proclaims the effects on the Message transmission and competition by the factors, such as ways of knowing, occurrence time, public engagement interests, Participation of Message topics, etc. The research in this essay will contribute to the cognition for the basic laws and characteristics of Message transmission and competition in the social networks and has certain theoretical and practical significance for the understanding of human complex group behavior in social networks environment and realistic society and for better analyses for Message user behavior.

