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篇名 黑格爾耶拿早期的不法理論:自然的不法與人倫和解的失敗
卷期 47:5=552
並列篇名 On Hegel’s Theory of Wrongdoing in the Early Jena: Natural Unlawfulness and the Failure of Reconciliation between Individual and Ethical Life
作者 魏博
頁次 163-177
關鍵字 承認自然的不法和解《倫理的體系》RecognitionNatural UnlawfulnessReconciliationSystem of Ethical LifeA&HCI
出刊日期 202005




The theory of recognition interprets Hegel’s theory of wrongdoing in the early Jena as a solution to the reconciliation between individual and community. In fact, this program of reconciliation is unsuccessful because it eventually leads to the loss of individuality in “the Tragedy of ethical life”. Hegel criticizes that the formalism of natural law splits the ethical organism and it is the “natural unlawfulness”. Therefore, he doesn’t seek the possibility of reconciliation from the subjective moral aspect. “The System of Ethical Life” hopes that the deterrence of unlawfulness can promote the unity of individuals and communities. Excluding subjective freedom and retaining subjective freedom at the same time, this program faces enormous difficulties. Reasons for the failure are the imperfection of subsumption of intuition under the concept, the lack of structure of theory of wrongdoing and the failure to find morality and civil society as two stages.
