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篇名 「全球倫理」的跨文化建構
卷期 47:6=553
並列篇名 The Cross-Cultural Construction of “Global Ethics”
作者 歐陽謙
頁次 023-038
關鍵字 全球倫理多元文化重疊共識基督宗教儒家文化金律相互承認共同責任Global EthicsPlural CultureOverlapping ConsensusChristianityConfucianismGolden RuleMutual RecognitionCommon ResponsibilityA&HCI
出刊日期 202006




This paper is intended to explore the issues of the cross-cultural construction of global ethics from the perspective of mutual dialogue between plural cultures, and from the golden rule of Christianity and Confucianism. In global development, the construction of global order is not only the construction of economic, political, technological and military order, and is more the construction of global ethical order. Globalization also means a cross-cultural construction of global ethics. It is very important that it reach a minimum consensus of human values facing the civilization conflicts of globalization. Entering the dialogue time after the monologue time, human global village needs urgently basic ethic rule and value ideas. We should find common moral and values from world plural cultures. This paper will reflect the premise and possibility of constructing global ethics from overcoming egoism, doing mutual recognition and bearing common responsibility in the light of the religious initiated the movement of establishing planetary ethics.
