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篇名 LCD價格緩跌韓國電視巨頭採取不同的電視發布策略
卷期 149
作者 林政賢
頁次 034-037
出刊日期 202005




In the first quarter of 2020, LCD panel prices dropped and the momentum of panel shipments slowed as the epidemic spread globally, which reversed panel prices, and also weakened the growth of panel shipments. PIDA pointed out that the price of small-size LCD panels fell 10% in the first quarter of 2020. Among them, the prices of 5.5-inch and 7-inch mobile phone panels fell 11% and 9%, respectively. It is estimated that the proportion of mobile phones using OLED panels will exceed 50% this year. It will put further pressure on the price of LCD panels for mobile phones. It is further pointed out that overall, the price forecast for small-size LCD panels in 2020 will still have double-digit declines, but it is still necessary to pay attention to the production of new LCDs in Chinese factories, and whether the supply and demand market can stabilize and restore prices to healthy levels.

