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篇名 科技基本法施行後大專院校的專利發展:以邁向頂尖計畫高校為例
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Patent Development of the Universities after the Science & Technology Basic Law Implemented: Evidence from the Aim for the Top University Project
作者 王健航江成欣楊宜興
頁次 039-060
關鍵字 服務-銷售雙效權衡科技基本法專利發展邁向頂尖大學計畫Service-sales ambidexterityScience & Technology Basic LawPatenting activitiesAim for Top University ProjectTSSCI
出刊日期 202006


美國Bayh-Dole Act法案實施20周年後,對美國的產業發展與技術移轉比例有促進的作用,但卻有專利數量增加、品質急遽下降的危機;在台灣實施科技基本法實施滿20年之際,檢視此法對於鼓勵大學朝向創業型大學與學術創業發展的成效有其必要。本研究透過延伸專業服務業的服務-銷售雙效權衡(service-sales ambidexterity)觀點,探究在科技基本法施行後,大專院校的科研成果發表(服務)與品質(銷售)相輔相成的雙效行為。本研究以獲得「邁向頂尖計畫」補助的大學為主要分析對象,從1976年至2019年7月在Google Patents及PatentsView專利資料平台收集各校在此區間內所獲得的相關專利資料,進行分析。研究發現,科技基本法的實施除讓高等院校重視專利技術權的保護,提高申請專利數量外,專利品質也受到重視。在專利品質上,透過專利的被引用次數、維護、共同開發、授權與轉讓等決策,創造產官學研的合作與擴散,建構能產生知識經濟效益的專利管理策略。本研究認為透過「科技基本法與邁向頂尖計畫」的科技政策是促使台灣大專院校能兼顧專利數量(服務)與品質(銷售)雙效行為的重要原因。本研究總結在良善的科技政策執行下,學校能透過雙效行為的正向養成,發展有品質的科研成果;同時政府也能透過科研成果品質的衡量,進行科技政策的管理與調整。


The Bayh-Dole Act is suggested to promote the increase of patent amounts in the universities, but patent quality has dramatically decreased. The Science & Technology Basic Law in Taiwan serves similar purpose as the Bayh-Dole Act, but we do not know if Taiwan encounters the same problem. This study investigates the patenting activities of the universities in Taiwan which were funded by the aim for the top university project after Science & Technology Basic Law implemented 20 years. We extend the perspective of professional service-sales ambidexterity to science-technology collaboration, indicating that paper publication and patenting are not conflict. We use patenting data between 1976 and 2019 from 18 universities. The data were searched from Google Patents and PatentsView, including patent counts, citedby counts, maintenance decision, coassigned patent, patent licensing and patent re-assignment. The analytical results represented that after the implementation of the science and technology basic laws, universities put emphasis on patenting useful research results, increasing their patenting numbers and they learned how to evaluate patent quality and appraise the value of patents. Moreover, the universities recognize the co-assign, re-assign and license patents to enterprises can bring more value to the universities. The universities can form their patent management strategy and identify important fields in future development. The results provide the evidence of professional service-sales ambidexterity to science-technology collaboration can bring value to the universities, as well as each university should set its core field to further collaborate or develop the technology, which brings positive impacts to entrepreneurial university and academic entrepreneurship.
