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篇名 小六學生空間與形狀心智習性表現之探究
卷期 41
並列篇名 A Study of the Sixth Grade Student Performances of Habits of Mind on Space and Shape
作者 陳嘉皇
頁次 017-044
關鍵字 心智習性幾何解題Habits of MindGeometricProblem Solving
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.7038/JETP.202006_(41).0002




The purpose of this study is to explore the performance of the habits of mind of the sixth graders in the tasks of geometry, and to provide a reference for the future effective teaching of geometry. This study designed three graphical and spatial tasks to explore the students' geometrical habits of mind and concepts. The subjects were from 105 students in the sixth grade of five public primary schools in central region of Taiwan. According to the clues provided, students are required to perform the performance of drawing and calculation, collect student data in accordance with the interview method, and describe the research results in qualitative analysis and quantitative way. The sixth-grade students who participated in the research provided poor geometrical habits of mind. They could not explore the relationship between the geometric elements of the sector, isosceles trapezoid and the cuboid and the reasoning and generalization of these relationships. Concepts, explore the variables and invariances in these relationships, use these elements to evaluate and draw geometric images, and use their features to solve problems. Students' problem solving for geometry tasks could roughly divided into two types of thinking: the overall image and the elemental analysis. The accuracy of using the former to solve the problem is higher than that of the latter. The correctness of the problem of geometry tasks is different from that of the wrong person. The design of this research task uses clues to read and guide the understanding, to stimulate students to carry out geometric problem solving, reasoning and performance of habits of mind. The research results can assist the elementary school practical teachers to carry out effective geometric teaching and curriculum design.
