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篇名 正論式智性恐怖:勒夫克萊夫特與種動文本
卷期 49:2=469
並列篇名 On Intellectual Horror and the Thetic: Lovecraft and Genotext
作者 李家沂
頁次 175-202
關鍵字 勒夫克萊夫特克莉絲提娃種動文本正論式科學言說科幻恐怖LovecraftKristevagenotextthe theticscientific discoursesci-fi horrorTHCI
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6637/CWLQ.202006_49(2) .0007


本篇論文嘗試從幾個要點,說明克莉絲提娃種動文本(genotext)這個理論的核心概念,特別集中闡明正論式(the thetic)的表述結構,與現象學意義生成程序的連動,以此帶出種動文本與顯定文本(phenotext)的閾界、意義(Bedeutung)與表意(Sinn)的可分與不可分、動義(signifiance)與定義(signification)的相異相依、以及種動文本的否定性所在。藉此將種動文本投入實驗,測試其解讀小說的有效性,看能否幫助回答美國科幻恐怖作家勒夫克萊夫特所呈現的語言問題,由此標定勒夫克萊夫特的種動文本,為透過科學正論以經營智性恐怖之敘事,以此回應威爾森的批評原點,並與克莉絲提娃的種動文本進行對辯,闡明種動文本的侷限與不足。


The task of this paper is two-fold. One is to expound Julia Kristeva’s concept of genotext by way of a few indispensable key points pertinent to an understanding of genotext’s conceptual significance. Among these points, “the thetic” will claim the center of gravity around which will revolve the threshold of genotext and phenotext, the (non-)distinction between Bedeutung and Sinn, the crossing between signification and signifiance, and the site of negativity. The second task is to read the genotext into the Lovecraftian problem of language to frame an argument that the Lovecraftian genotext, if any, is built upon a thetic narrative of scientific discourse to bring forth intellectual horror. The argument, when aptly deployed, will help answer the questions of what Edmund Wilson has left unresolved in his paradigmatic criticism of Lovecraft and what Kristeva has left untouched in her theoretical speculations of genotext.
