
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 College Online Psychological Consultation Platform Based on Deep Learning
卷期 31:3
作者 Xuejun Zhang
頁次 226-241
關鍵字 college studentsdeep belief networksdeep learningonline psychological counselingRBMEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.3966/199115992020063103018



In order to solve the psychological problems of college students more effectively, in this study, deep learning is applied to psychological counseling in colleges and universities. By designing an online psychological counseling platform, students’ psychological counseling needs can be met without infringing on their privacy, thus solving psychological problems. All kinds of people living in modern society are facing heavy pressure and burden, which can easily lead to abnormal psychological and physical manifestations. When these abnormal manifestations reach a certain level, they will cause various diseases. For college students, as a special group, their body and psychology are still in the stage of development. Problems in life, study, social intercourse, love, employment and so on make many college students feel uncomfortable. Serious problems will also lead to psychological barriers and mental illness. Especially in recent years, there are more and more college dropouts, suicides and other incidents, and the number of students with psychological disorders is also increasing year by year. Domestic colleges and universities are fully aware of this, so relevant mental health classes are actively carried out and psychological counseling rooms are set up, hoping to help them. However, in fact, most students are reluctant to consult even if they have psychological problems, since they believe that they will reveal their privacy. At present, the existing online psychological consultation platform can only provide some simple solutions, and cannot give specific opinions. Deep learning in other areas of application, can help the platform to obtain more data and information, but there is not too much application in psychological consultation. Therefore, through the recognition of user’s discourse description, the corresponding Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) model is constructed in this study and deep learning is applied to the design of online psychological consultation platform in universities. The results show that the accuracy and privacy of the information obtained by the platform system can be guaranteed, and through the case data in the platform database, students’ questions can be answered pertinently, which can effectively solve the psychological problems of college students. It is of great significance to promote the mental health of college students, and provides some ideas for colleges and universities to further improve the online psychological consultation platform.

