
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Using White-light Optical Differential Phase Shift Keying for Bipolar Transmission in ECDM-PON
卷期 31:3
作者 Si-Jia LiWen-bai Chen
頁次 327-336
關鍵字 bipolar code transmissionECDM-PONfrequency mismatchlow coherence interferenceoptical differential phase shift keyingEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.3966/199115992020063103026



A novel scheme is demonstrated and experimentally performed for the transmission of bipolar code in electronic code division multiplexing-passive optical network (ECDM-PON) based on the analysis of the existing ECDM-PON technical solutions to solve the problem that optical fibers can only transmit unipolar code in ECDM-PON and implement random access in uplink channel without distance measurement. The traditional optical differential phase shift keying (DPSK) is improved in this scheme and used for the transmission of bipolar code. The frequency mismatch of traditional optical DPSK demodulator (delay line interferometer) is solved with low-coherence inference technology. Simulation and experimental results proved the stability and low bit error rate of our scheme.

