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篇名 南臺灣高職學生網路成癮之危險因子
卷期 14:2
並列篇名 Risk Factors of Internet Addiction Among Southern Taiwanese Vocational High School Students
作者 楊馥陳怡伶魏芯樺
頁次 025-040
關鍵字 網路成癮網路使用行為高職危險因子Internet addictionInternet use behaviorvocational high schoolrisk factors
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6618/HSSRP.202006_14(2).2




The popularity of mobile devices and wireless networks has resulted in the rapid growth of Internet users and a shift in teenagers’ daily routine. This study mainly investigated the factors influencing Internet addiction (IA) among Taiwanese vocational high school students. Independent variables such as general demographics were explored with IA as the dependent variable; effects of parental demographics on adolescents’ IA. Four hundred sixty-one students were recruited from four vocational high schools in southern Taiwan. Five dimensions of IA were explored using the Revised Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS-R): addiction tolerance, compulsive use, withdrawal symptoms, interpersonal and health problems, and time management problems. Results indicated that 70% of students had IA, screened for IA, or were at a higher risk of IA. Time management and interpersonal and health problems significantly affected addiction tolerance, compulsive use, and addiction withdrawal. High Internet usage resulted in participants’ interpersonal and health and time management issues. Students over 18, those whose parents have lower education level, and those with three to four siblings have a higher probability of IA. Appropriate Internet usage lessons should be included in school curriculums in the future.
