
建築與規劃學報 Scopus

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篇名 綠能產業創新模式之形塑:台灣經驗
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 The Industrial Innovation Model Green Energy Industry Shape of Taiwan Experience
作者 胡太山林海萍潘思錡賈秉靜
頁次 027-044
關鍵字 南部地區綠能產業產業關聯DUI-STI創新模式Southern IndustryGreen Energy IndustryIndustrial LinkageInnovation modelScopus
出刊日期 201909




Based on the southern region of Taiwan has more sun exposure and a sound manufacturing industry structure, it is analyzed whether the existing industries in the southern region can undertake the green energy industry investment and drive the development of the green energy industry in the south. The "innovation" was the key of sustainable development of the industry. Analyze the connection ability of emerging industries and local industries, and become a driving force for guiding regional innovation and development. According to L.Q. and relative growth, select industrial projects that can strengthen the green energy industry's local links, and add spatial locations to identify whether the southern industrial clusters can support the development of green energy industries. The industrial projects that can strengthen the green energy industry's local links are selected through location business and relative growth. The spatial location is added to identify whether the southern industrial clusters can support the development of the green energy industry. The study found that in order to promote innovation investment in the local industry and the green energy industry, the use of DUI-STI's co-existing innovation model is more conducive to the production chain's dependence. The energy Link of innovative industries to local basic industries, while introducing new industries, it also promotes the development of existing industries into the cornerstone of the industrial regeneration cycle.
