
臺北大學法學論叢 TSSCI

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篇名 偶然聽聞重大消息可成為內線交易的內部人?──兼評我國相關司法判決
卷期 114
並列篇名 Does a Person Overhearing Inside Information Become an Insider?: Reviewing Related Judicial Decisions
作者 江朝聖
頁次 063-127
關鍵字 偶然聽聞內線交易內部人消息傳遞者消息受領人信賴理論私取理論OverhearingInsider TradingInsiderTipperTippeeFiduciary TheoryMisappropriation TheoryTSSCI
出刊日期 202006




In most insider trading cases, the officer or director of a company disclose non-public material information to his siblings, parents, or friends. The person who receives inside information buys or sells stocks based on the non-public material information. Such cases are typical insider trading cases. However, when someone overhears non-public material information, he/she buys or sells stocks based on such information. Is it illegal? There are many judicial decisions which are related to overhearing cases in US and Taiwan. However, some judicial decisions find the defendant who overhears non-public material information and buys or sells stocks based on such information guilty. Some judicial decisions find the defendants innocent. In this article, it compares the regulations of insider trading among U.S., E.U. and Taiwan. It finds out that the differences of regulations for insider trading results in the difference answer to whether it is legal for someone who overhears non-public material information and buys or sells stocks based on such information. In the conclusion, the author figures out that we have to face the differences between the anti-insider trading laws in U.S. and Taiwan. Based on that, the fiduciary theory and misappropriation theory which arising out of U.S. anti-insider trading cases cannot be applied to interpret statutes regulating insider trading in Taiwan, neither does the tipper/tippee theory. The author advocates the best approach to interpret the meaning of tippee under Taiwan anti-insider trading regime is the broadest one. Therefore, it is illegal for a person who overhears the non-public material information and buys or sells stocks based on that information under Taiwan anti-insider trading regime.
