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篇名 呂格爾的詩學敘事與寬「容」∕「融」哲學研究
卷期 47:7=554
並列篇名 Paul Ricoeur’s Poetic Narrative and the Study of Pardon/ Fusion
作者 黃筱慧
頁次 041-054
關鍵字 詩學敘事呂格爾寬容間際德希達迂迴PoeticsNarrativeRicoeurPardonDistanciationDerridaDetourA&HCI
出刊日期 202007




The paper will analyse contemporary philosopher Paul Riceur’s idea on the poetic narrative. About how to apply this contemporary philosophical mode as the entrance of philosophy of fusion. We present through the same pronounciation in deconstructive way by using contemporary philosopher Jacques Derrida’s idea for our understanding on Paul Ricoeur. By using the same path via the sameness of pronounciation in Chinese words, we work on Ricoeur’s concept of distanciation. Derrida establishes the detour of the sign. In conclusion, we believe that Ricoeur’s poetic narrative, he points out a dimension of the study of narrative. Through Ricoeur’s process on the emplotment, we may suggest a kind of study as a method of pardon and fusion of poetic narrative on Paul Ricoeur.
