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篇名 王畿與王艮心學之異的三個向度
卷期 47:7=554
並列篇名 Three Dimensions between the Mind Teachings of Wang Ji and Wang Gen
作者 代玉民
頁次 119-132
關鍵字 王畿王艮良知儒家經典三教辯證Wang JiWang GenThe Innate KnowledgeConfucian ClassicsThe Relationship of Three TeachingsA&HCI
出刊日期 202007




Wang Ji and Wang Gen, two great disciples of Wang Yangming, are usually classed as holding the same mind teaching. In fact, differences speak louder than similarities. There are three different dimensions. First, the difference on innate knowledge. Wang Ji preferred the present innate knowledge, the unsubstantialized status that changes according to concrete conditions; while Wang Gen hold the completed innate knowledge, the substantialized status that transcends the time and concrete conditions. Second, the difference on attitudes toward Confucian classics. Wang Ji paid attention to the thorough understanding from “personnel training”. Although Confucian classics were occasionally involved in his lecture works, they were in a marginal position. While Wang Gen highly respected Confucian classics and attached great importance to the mutual confirmation between Confucian classics and enlightening experience. Third, the difference on the attitudes toward Buddhism and Taoism. Wang Ji absorbed Buddhism and Taoism theoretically, but excluded them in practical dimension; Wang Gen was insulating to both Buddhism and Taoism.
