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篇名 康德為什麼反對對兇犯說謊?——基於康德法權論的考察
卷期 47:7=554
並列篇名 Why Is Kant Against Lying to A Murderer? — A Study Based on Kant’s Doctrine of Right
作者 胡學源
頁次 161-175
關鍵字 說謊真誠義務法權論康德貢斯當LieTruthfulnessDutyDoctrine of RightKantConstantA&HCI
出刊日期 202007




In “On a Supposed Right to Lie from Philanthropy,” Kant holds that we should not even lie to a murderer who asks us whether a friend of ours whom he is pursuing has taken refuge in our house. Kant’s position has resulted in great controversy over the years. In this paper, I aim to explore the reasons why Kant takes such a rigoristic position against lying based on a study of Kant’s doctrine of right. The reason why Kant holds such a seemly extreme view is that he believes any lie would harm humanity generally and make the source of right unusable. Meanwhile, Kant is strongly against any form of untruthfulness because he is worried about the reality of human social conditions.
