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篇名 道教靈寶齋法的再考察
卷期 47:7=554
並列篇名 A Re-examination of the Taoist Lingbao Zhai Rituals
作者 張澤洪
頁次 177-192
關鍵字 道教靈寶齋法科儀濟世度人TaoismLingbao Zhai RitualsRules and ObservancesSalvationA&HCI
出刊日期 202007




The Lingbao School (Numinous Treasure) was an important Taoist school that emerged in China in between the Wei, Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Lingbao Retreats are essential rituals in taoism. This article examines the meaning of Lingbao and its origin, the sanctification of the Lingbao Scripture and the Lingbao rituals by Taoism, and analyzes the reasons why the Lingbao Zhai rituals became the mainstream of Taoist Rules and Observances. The rich format of the Lingbao Zhai rituals meets the sacrifice needs of the feudal dynasty and the general public for praying for national peace and good weather. Lingbao Zhai rituals were adopted by various Taoist schools and has been used in the Zhai an Jiao altar for a long time in medieval history. The Lingbao Zhai rituals practiced the purpose of the Scripture of Salvation through ritual activities, and expressed the feelings of saving lives and saving people through the Rules and Observances.
