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篇名 Kahoot! 線上即時反饋系統對學生的專注力與學習成效之影響——以綜合高中經濟學課程為例
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 Kahoot! the Effects of Online IRS on Concentration and Learning Outcome of Students – An Example of Economic Course in Comprehensive High School
作者 郭志安吳昭儀
頁次 021-037
關鍵字 Kahoot專注力線上即時反饋學習成效ConcentrationIRSKahootLearning Outcome
出刊日期 202006


本研究旨在探討使用Kahoot! 線上即時反饋系統融入綜合高中經濟學課程對學生的專注力與學習成效之影響。本文採實驗研究法,利用改編之「學生專注力量表」及「學生對Kahoot! 看法問卷」進行施測,研究結果發現,學生的專注力在施測之後有顯著的提升,尤其以低分組女生的學習成效最為顯著。在Kahoot! 看法問卷組成的三個構面裡,最受重視的構面為同儕的知己知彼,學生透過Kahoot! 系統進行測驗,不僅可以瞭解自己的學習情形,更能夠立即得知自己在同儕中的相對位置,是提升學習意願最主要的動力來源。


This study explores the impact of the Kahoot! online interactive response system on students’ concentration and learning outcomes. The experimental research method, uses an adapted “Student Concentration Scale” and “Student Questionnaire on Kahoot!”. The results show students’ concentration is significantly improved the experiment, and the learning outcomes of this group of girls with low grades will increase significantly. “Knowing Oneself and Each Other” is the most valued factor within the three factors formed by the “Student Questionnaire on Kahoot!”. It is shown that Kahoot! enhances willingness to learn. Students can both realize their own learning performance and see their relative position among peers.
