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篇名 論實踐「禮」之「內在張力的歷史考察」與其解決之道——以《論語》的身心修養觀為例之分析
卷期 47:8=555
並列篇名 An Historical Review of the “Internal Tension” within the Practice of “Propriety” and Its Solution — Based on the View about the Physical and Mental Cultivations in Analects
作者 黃信二
頁次 123-139
關鍵字 克己復禮身心修養ProprietySubdue the Self and Return to ProprietyBodyPhysical and Mental CultivationsA&HCI
出刊日期 202008




This article is meant to inquire on the foundation and essence of “propriety” and review the “internal tension” within the practice of propriety throughout history. First, we will examine, from a macro perspective, the approaches to this tension within the practice of propriety adopted in all the different periods and dynasties before reflecting on the value and meaning of this problem consciousness. Secondly, we will trace to its source and investigate all the clues provided in Analects. In terms of methodology, revolving around the physical and mental cultivations, this article explores the existential significance of one’s body, studies the foundation of “propriety”—including the collective ideal of moral life—contemplates the ideals of bringing the heaven and earth to order and harmony as proposed by classic philosophy, and reflect on how to avoid the stiffness of propriety and figure out the solution to the internal tension within the practice of propriety.
