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篇名 自主監外作業受刑人之勞動權益初探——以參加勞工保險之權利為探討重心
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 The labor rights study of non-custodial work released inmates – focusing on the right to participate in the labor insurance program
作者 蘇宸毅
頁次 092-109
關鍵字 自主監外作業受刑人勞工保險從屬性Non-custodial work released inmatesLabor insurance programSubordinate relationship
出刊日期 202007
DOI 10.6905/JC.202007_9(2).0004




It is mandatory for the inmates to work in the correctional institutions according to Prison Act. The relationship between the inmates and the correctional institutions regulated by the public law differs from the relationship between the general laborers and the employers regulated by the private law. For this reason, Ministry of Labor considers that non-custodial work released inmates are not employed by the cooperative manufacturers (employers). Therefore, non-custodial work released inmates are not regulated by Labor Standards Act, which means they are not qualified to participate in the labor insurance program. This study evaluated the subordinate relationship of the labor contracts. First of all, according to the contracts and the work contents, the inmates’ workplace, working hours and labor process are all supervised by the employers. Also, non-custodial work released inmates are irresponsible for management risk, must provide labor service for the cooperative manufacturers’ (employers’) business, and collaborate with the other laborers. As discussed above, it can be determined that there is personal, economic and organized subordinate relationship between the inmates and the cooperative manufacturers (employers). Therefore, these inmates should be regulated by Labor Standards Act, and the cooperative manufacturers (employers) should help them to participate in the labor insurance program based on the labor right, which is in line with the social equity.
