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篇名 火力電廠能源與水資源交織之不確定性分析
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 The Analysis of the Energy and Water Nexus Variations for a Thermal Power Plant
作者 王迺卉陳怡君馮國倫馬鴻文
頁次 061-066
關鍵字 變異性水能交織能水交織火力發電廠variabilitywater-energy nexusenergy-water nexusthermal power plant
出刊日期 202007


火力發電廠(Thermal Power Plant, TPP),其水資源主要用於除礦水系統、廠內生活用水、以及排煙脫硫。本研究調查因季節性用電需求增加,造成水能交織單元不穩定性。評析結果顯示電廠於非夏月期間,因機組輪休,造成發電配置的不穩定性,進而導致用水量變異性較大。因此本研究建立及評估兩種策略:(A)區域再生水計畫;(B)海水脫硫,以分析水能交織影響。A策略結果顯示,水處理的用電量每個月增加840 MWh,有達到減緩資源風險的效益。


In a Thermal Power Plant (TPP), water resource is mainly used in the demineralized water system, domestic water system, and flue gas desulfurization. This research investigated the water-energy nexus instability caused by increasing seasonal demands for electricity. It has been shown that the variability distribution range of water consumption during non-summer months, due to rotational break, will larger than that of the summer months. On this ground, we set up and evaluated two strategies: A) regional water reuse plan, and B) sea water desulfurization, to analyze their effects on the nexus. Strategy A’s results show that energy consumption of water treatment increases by 840 MWh per month, indicating its effects of lowering risk of resource supply.
