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篇名 地下泥漿管路清淤安全裝置之設計
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 Design of Safety Dredging Device for Underground Slurry Pipe
作者 周勤凱
頁次 077-081
關鍵字 灰塘泥漿管淤積安全ash pondslurry pipedepositsafety
出刊日期 202007




The coal-fired power plant mixes seawater with ash from coal burning to form slurry. The slurry flow is then pumped through the slurry pipe to the ash pond for reclamation. The ash particles are deposited when the slurry pipe to go vertically into the vertical well then turn into the culvert. When cleaning the silt, the flange needs to be disassembled and then hoisted to separate the pipe joints in order to remove the ash from the pipe. However, the working space in the well is very narrow and likely to cause damage due to falling objects and collisions. Slurry pipe traditional design makes drain pipe deposited when drain pipe towards the ground and drain pipe can not discharge low level liquid when drain pipe faces up. According to the research and analysis, a safety dredging device (with a drain pipe included) can be added to the connecting point of the upper edge of the elbow and the horizontal pipe in the well. The safety dredging device can be installed without using high hardness steel or wear resistant layer, making it easy to cut into the required size on site. It is a labor safety and economical method of dredging because you can drain the water and open the device to remove the ash at any time
