
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Recognizing Facial Emotions Using Pooling-first Bilinear CNN from a Single Image
卷期 31:4
作者 Hao GongTianyou PeiQiaoyu MaDongmei JiangTeng Yu
頁次 054-064
關鍵字 convolutional neural networkemotion recognitionfacial action unitEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202008
DOI 10.3966/199115992020083104005



Facial expression recognition from a single image is challenging due to the subtle differences between the various expression types. Considering that facial expressions are not only expressed by the appearance of individual facial organs, but also highly correlated with the local features of these organs, we propose a new network architecture, namely the Pooling First Bilinear Convolutional Neural Network (PF-BCNN). The network uses two simplified CNNs to extract facial appearance features, then integrates them using a modified bilinear approach, which encodes the interaction of local features. In addition, we use a multi-task learning model to simultaneously train and predict two typical outputs for emotion recognition, namely action units (AU) and emotion types (ET). Experimental results show that the method achieves the most advanced performance, especially the recognition of emotion types.

