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篇名 行銷北美野牛肉的營養比較策略:消費者真的在意嗎?
卷期 26:1
並列篇名 A Nutrition Comparison Strategy on Bison Marketing: Do Consumers Really Care?
作者 楊上禾Timothy A. Woods
頁次 029-056
關鍵字 北美野牛肉營養價值比較營養益處願付價格bisonnutrition comparisonnutrition benefitsWTPTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 202006
DOI 10.6196/TAER.202006_26(1).0002




Bison has the leanest and the highest nutritional value among commercial meat products. Marketers often apply a nutrition comparison (NC) table as a promoting strategy to highlight the distinguishing features of bison meat. However, do consumers really buy it because of the NC information? A total of 2,644 meat consumers were surveyed in the Ohio River Valley region, including Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Results indicate that consumers, especially for those who originally didn’t know the benefits of bison nutrition, are significantly influenced by the NC table. Implications from this study suggest that enhancing consumers’ bison nutrition knowledge, especially for those who originally don’t know the benefits of bison nutrition, would increase bison meat sales.
