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篇名 知覺價值與轉換成本對忠誠度之影響-以iPhone手機為例
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 The Influence of Perceived Value and Switching Cost on Customer Loyalty - Take the iPhone as an Example
作者 樊祖燁潘博宇
頁次 040-053
關鍵字 忠誠度知覺價值轉換成本智慧型手機customer loyaltyperceived valueswitching costsmartphone
出刊日期 202009
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202009_9(2).0004




This study is to target iPhone's main consumers; office workers and college students as respondents. A purposive sampling questionnaire survey is conducted and a regression analysis are used as main statistical analysis tool to explore the influence of perceived value and switching cost on customer loyalty. A total of 225 valid questionnaires were collected in this study. The results of statistical analysis show that perceived value and switching cost have a significant positive impact on consumer loyalty. The perceived value have the more positive impact than switching cost on customer loyalty. Based on the research result, the study believes that the main reason is the most respondents currently use iPhones. The main switching cost is only the iPhone model and the system upgrade, so the impact of switching costs is relatively limited. Therefore, this study believes that smartphone operators should conduct word-of-mouth marketing and related marketing campaigns for existing customers, in order to improve consumers' perceived value and achieve long-term competitive advantage.

