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篇名 企業導入雲端供應鏈的關鍵成功因素之探討
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 A Study of Key Success Factors for Implementation of Cloud Supply Chain
作者 吳玫瑩張閔傑周菡苹周宗瀚
頁次 197-207
關鍵字 供應鏈管理雲端運算技術關鍵成功因素Supply Chain ManagementCloud Computing TechnologyKey Success Factors
出刊日期 202009
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202009_9(2).0017




In this highly competitive business environment, all industries must innovate for greater progress. New supply chain technologies are also constantly introduced. With the emergence of cloud computing technology, conventional supply chain technologies have advanced to use new supply chain management models. This study focused on traditional industries in Taiwan to investigate key success factors for implementation of supply chain management systems. Based on eight major factors extracted from previous literature, this study conducted expert interviews and a questionnaire survey on supply chain users to find key success factors for implementation of supply chain management systems. Results showed that for traditional industries, managerial factors, user factors, organizational factors, project factors, and other important issues were key factors affecting implementation of a supply chain management system. The other important issues included data confidentiality, integration and standardization of upstream/downstream firms, and information exchange between suppliers and customers. Results of this study can be a reference for businesses planning to implement a cloud-based supply chain management system.

