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篇名 從顧客權益觀點探討走馬瀨農場的永續經營模式
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 Exploring a Business Model for Sustainability on Tsou-Ma-Lai Farm: A Perspective of Customer Equity
作者 黃上晏周世宏邱城英
頁次 256-269
關鍵字 休閒農場永續整備度經營模式顧客權益leisure farmsustainable readinessbusiness modelcustomer equity
出刊日期 202009
DOI 10.6285/MIC.202009_9(2).0022


在迎合顧客需求的價值潮流中,休閒農場不斷的調整與改變自身的經營模式(business model),導致其價值定位與經營方向模糊,衍生了農場營運的困境與問題。無法創造在地特色與價值,讓休閒農場的整體集客效果不彰,除未能留住既有顧客,亦無法吸引新顧客,獲利率每況愈下便成為休閒農場永續經營的隱憂。永續整備度評估有助於檢視資源的配置與能力,釐清永續經營計畫目標與關鍵問題,可有效地規劃與執行永續經營策略與活動。經營模式具備創新、服務、設施、財務等四個要素,透過策略引導與資源整合運用機制,提供給顧客更好的價值。休閒農場經營的關鍵在於如何增加產品或服務的額外價值,以取得優勢及獲取利潤,然而其內涵卻很少被結構化呈現與定義。此外,永續經營應兼具主、客觀的績效衡量,透過顧客權益(customer equity)來反應農場經營的成效,可作為導引永續經營的策略與行動指標,彰顯利害關係人的互利價值。因此,本研究擬從顧客權益觀點探討走馬瀨農場的經營模式,並以永續整備度檢視服務提供或改善的準備與接受程度。研究結果將補實休閒農場學術與實務的整體綜效。


To go with the stream, leisure farms change and adjust their business models to cater for customer needs. In consequence, their value propositions and business directions are blurred to lead to operational and financial predicaments. In order to maintain the sustainability on leisure farms, its management should conform to the laws and harmonize with local industry development to enhance the effects on environmental protection and social solicitude. A readiness assessment on business sustainability provides an indicative means of assessing the capabilities and applicability of resource allocation in an organization, and further assists in defining objectives for effectively planning and promoting sustainable strategies. Hence, this study examines the sustainable readiness on Taiwan’s leisure farms to identify a business model for sustainability. The performance of a business model for sustainability should combine subjective indicators with objective assessments. Customer equity best explains the importance of long-term value assessments, and could better reflect the effects of sustainability on sustainable development as a benchmark for guiding sustainable strategies and future actions. This study explores a business model for sustainability from a perspective of customer equity on Taiwan’s leisure farms. Hopefully, a business model for sustainability and its activities will be identified to benefit academic and practical fields on leisure farms.

