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篇名 網路論述「陳沂辱罵國軍事件」的幻想主題分析
卷期 116
並列篇名 The Fantasy Theme Analysis of Network Discussion with the incident of “Chen Yi’s Insult about the Military”
作者 黃啟鈞曹開明
頁次 041-086
關鍵字 幻想主題文本探勘網路論述國軍形象fantasy themetext miningonline discussionnational military image
出刊日期 202006




This study explored the fantasy theme of the network's identification of the national military with the incident of “Chen Yi’s insult about the military.” The current study employed the computer-assisted tools to integrate the scientific methods of digital text exploration and linguistic research on fantasy theme analysis, and collected the network text for analysis. This study found that the online discourse rhetorical vision is “Thinking about the fact that if something happens, military should do it. On the other hand, if nothing happens, military will be blamed.” In addition, the characteristics of the fantasy theme shaped by the online domain included “news channel is guiding,” “meaning extension of the issue,” and “the characteristics of netizen with both rationality and myth.” This study also found that Chen Yi’s incident may break the myth through the netizens’ rational thinking of the military, and becomes an opportunity to reverse the image of the military. Through rational discussions, debates, dialogues, exchanges, assessments, and amendments by netizens, it is helpful to break the stereotype of the military and enhance the possibility of rational thinking and dialectical arguments of the online community.
