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篇名 從虛擬實境新聞本質探討能供性理論的實踐與應用
卷期 116
並列篇名 Exploring the Practice and Application of the Theory of Affordance from the Essence of Virtual Reality News
作者 羅美慧
頁次 087-112
關鍵字 能供性VR新聞人機互動沉浸式體驗affordanceVR newshuman-computer interactionimmersive
出刊日期 202006


從文字新聞、電視新聞到現今正在發展的虛擬實境新聞(亦稱VR新聞),人和媒介的關係因媒介屬性之不同而起了變化,本研究試圖從美國知覺心理學家詹姆斯‧吉布森(James Jerome Gibson)在其著作《生態學的視覺論》(The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception)中所提出的Affordance能供性理論來闡釋關於傳播科技中新技術使用的意涵,以及其如何受到特定環境的影響而產生不同的動能。Gibson能供性的概念是去看科技與人所構成的關係,這個關係不是一個物理空間與虛擬空間的重疊,而是一個相互糾結的動能。因此本研究重點將從分析科技如何帶動新聞轉變的樣貌及特性,到以能供性理論分析VR新聞與使用者內動所產生的效能,並以這些研究結果來推論VR新聞未來發展的優勢,最後對於能供性理論在傳播科技研究領域之角色與意義以及應用等面向提出個人之看法與建議。


From text news, television news, to the VR (Virtual Reality) news, the relationship between people and media has changed due to different media attributes. This study attempted to employ the Affordance Theory proposed in James Jerome Gibson’s work “The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception” to explain the implications of the use of new communication technologies. In addition, the current study sought to explore how these technologies are influenced by specific circumstances and then produce different affordances. The concept of Gibson’s affordance is to examine the relationship between technology and people. It is not an overlap of physical space and virtual space, but an entangled environment. Therefore, the focus of this study was to analyze how technology drives the appearance and characteristics of news transmission and evaluate the effectiveness of VR news and users’ interactions. The findings may infer the future development of VR news. Using these findings to infer the future development possibilities of VR news.
