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篇名 神學轉向抑或陌生經驗?——論列維納斯對他人問題的推進
卷期 47:10=557
並列篇名 The Theological Turn or Alien Experience? —On Levinas’ Promotion of the Problem of Alien Experience
作者 文晗
頁次 145-160
關鍵字 神學轉向內在性中介化陌生經驗Theological TurnImmanenceMediacyAlien ExperienceA&HCI
出刊日期 202010




“Theological Turn of Phenomenology” is an important turning point of phenomenological movement in the second half of the 20th century. Levinas is undoubtedly the central figure in this compromise. While this thesis attempts to examine Levinas’ place in this turn, it argues that the most fundamental impetus for the theological turn of phenomenological actually comes from the shift from the phenomenology of interiority to the phenomenology of exteriority, and that the possibility of this shift has long been embedded in Husserl’s inquiry into the problem of alien experience, and that Levinas’ interpretation of the problem of the other is based on Husserl’s phenomenology, so that the deeper problem hidden behind the theological turn of phenomenology is the problem of alien experience in phenomenology.
