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篇名 五四時期「新青年叢書」對羅素著作的譯介——以《哲學問題》與《到自由之路》為例
卷期 47:11=558
並列篇名 Influence of “New Youth Series” on the Translation Studies and Publicity of Russell’s Works During the May Forth Movement
作者 劉訓茜
頁次 161-174
關鍵字 羅素新文化運動李季譯介新青年叢書Bertrand RussellThe New Culture MovementLi JiTranslationNew Youth SeriesA&HCI
出刊日期 202011




In 1920, Russell was invited to China to give lectures, which was an important event in the history of modern Chinese academic thought. Russell’s works on philosophy and political science were translated and introduced into China. Among them, The Problems of Philosophy and Proposed Roads to Freedom were translated and published by Shanghai New Youth Agency. This paper briefly analyzes the social and historical situation of the two versions before and after their publication, and compares them with the later versions in terms of philosophical terms, key translated sentences and text situation. As Russell’s classic works, the above two books play an important role in spreading western philosophy by and large.
