
國立臺灣大學哲學論評 THCI

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篇名 郭象注《莊》的詮釋意義——以「逍遙」為討論中心
卷期 60
並列篇名 An Interpretation of Guo Xiang’s Commentary on Zhuangzi: the Case of “Xiaoyao”
作者 許瑞娟
頁次 001-046
關鍵字 郭象逍遙莊子視域融合哲學詮釋學Guo XiangXiaoyaoZhuangzifusion of horizonsphilosophical hermeneuticsTHCI
出刊日期 202010
DOI 10.6276/NTUPR.202010_(60).0001




The article rethinks the meaning of “Xiaoyao” in Guo Xiang’s philosophy. First, I provide a novel interpretation of Guo Xiang’s Commentary on Zhuangzi. Then, I analyze his Commentary by applying key concepts in Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics. Guo Xiang incorporated Zhuangzi’s philosophy into his own. He believes that every individual can achieve “Xiaoyao,” but only if each person forgets both what is beyond the reach of one’s nature and desires not belonging to oneself. The Sage King does not impose his own ideas on the people, and thus he guides the people to achieve the state of “Xiaoyao.” Guo Xiang’s philosophy, by demonstrating that everyone can achieve “Xiaoyao” in articulating how the abstract reasoning in Zhuangzi has practical application, greatly contributed to the popularity of Taoist Philosophy.
