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篇名 數位人文視野下的天主教文學與翻譯:張秀亞譯作的文本探勘分析
卷期 47:12=559
並列篇名 The Digital Humanistic Vision in Catholic Literature and Translation: Text Mining Analysis of Chang Hsiu-Ya’s Translated Works
作者 廖詩文
頁次 131-153
關鍵字 天主教文學張秀亞翻譯文本探勘Catholic literatureChang Hsiu-YaTranslationText MiningA&HCI
出刊日期 202012




This research uses R language text-mining to analyze three western Catholic literary works selected from Chang Hsiu-Ya’s Collected Works, which includes Vipers’ Tangle, Autobiography of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, and The Song of Bernadette. The purpose of this study was to investigate the commonality of the catholic literature and to outline Chang’s translation style with an experimental digital humanistic method. A secondary purpose of this study was to establish a digital humanistic translation research model to better determine the possibilities and limitations. The findings indicate that “God” is the core idea and the core keyword of the selected works, and text-mining method should be used to explore the similarities in different types of catholic literature. Even though this body of research has the undeniable merit of offering valuable insights into text mining, it has some limitations. We acknowledged that the research is exploratory and there are problems with the interpretation and practice mode. Besides, we all know that Chang was used to using classy and lyric words as her writing policy, the results confirm that Chang’s writing style made the translation beautiful and readable; however, the styles of the translated works might look all the same.
