
教育研究集刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 跨越邊界:成為高等教育文化回應教師的歷程
卷期 66:4
並列篇名 Border Crossing: A Journey of Becoming a Culturally Responsive Teacher in Higher Education
作者 李雪菱
頁次 119-161
關鍵字 文化回應教師文化回應教學高等教育跨越邊界課程與教學culturally responsive teacherculturally responsive instructionhigher educationborder crossingcurriculum and instructionTSSCI
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.3966/102887082020126604004




In order to be aware of, cope with, and overcome all potential difficulties in instructions brought about by university students’ diverse backgrounds, the researcher, as a university teacher, frankly reflected and disclosed a “border-crossing” journey when striving to be a culturally responsive teacher through “self-study action research”. The results showed that in higher education, a culturally responsive teacher must experience three parts of “border-crossing” journey in terms of teacher’s preparation, the management of teacher-student relations, and the integration of culturally responsive instruction into curriculum. The first part of the journey is self-criticizing, learning about students’ cultural differences and transforming them into resources for instruction, and developing socio-political awareness. The second is constructing a classroom that is caring, trusting, culturally communicable, and power-sharing. The third is developing a culturally responsive instruction suitable for one’s own professional curriculum. The research proposed a “five in one” curriculum and instruction (reading comprehension, field work, reflection, writing, and student action research) and suggested that though culturally responsive instruction is unique and flexible, its idea and methodology are duplicable.
