
Journal of Computers EIMEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Research on Sensor Networks Perception and Routing Optimization Based on Quantum Genetic Algorithm
卷期 31:6
作者 Xincan FanXiaojun WenShaosheng Jiang
頁次 297-304
關鍵字 perceptual evolutionquantum geneticsrouting optimizationwireless sensor networksEIMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 202012
DOI 10.3966/199115992020123106023



In light of the delay and performance degradation of wireless sensor networks, this paper combines quantum computing and genetic computing to improve the overall performance of the network while optimizing the load of nodes. All parts of wireless sensor networks are analyzed and designed in detail, including node perception, gene state measurement, optimal child generation, quantum rotation system iteration, etc. A dynamic quantum gate rotation strategy is proposed to improve the routing algorithm of wireless sensor networks, optimize the search process and accuracy of the algorithm, reduce the energy consumption of network nodes, to ensure global optimality of the network and fast convergence.

